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Project_02 Q46 StudyTitle Probing the neurochemistry of sensitization and compulsive checking: dopamine and serotonin systems

Description: This study (Q46) is one of a series of studies performed in the Szechtman lab at McMaster University and deposited in the FRDR public repository as a collection under the name "A Digital Library of Behavioural Performance in Standardized Conditions - Szechtman Lab Collection". This collection as a whole constitutes a big dataset containing raw data objects of video, track, and path plot records of rats exploring for 55 minutes a large testing environment in a standardized paradigm during chronic treatment with psychostimulant drugs; for details of this big dataset see, The historical context for study Q46 was Project_02 entitled: "Probing the neurochemistry of sensitization and compulsive checking". Title of experiment in Q46 was "Effect of 8OHDPAT dose (0 0.03125 0.0625 0.125 mg/kg) co-injected with a low dose of QNP (0.125 mg/kg) on the development of sensitization and compulsive checking (batch 2). Q46 is repeated as Study Q47 (hence "batch 1" in title of experiment for Q46). For Q46, each rat received 13 trials in the open field.
Authors: Szechtman, Henry; McMaster University; ORCID iD 0000-0003-3986-4482
Dvorkin-Gheva, Anna; McMaster University; ORCID iD 0000-0001-7295-7440
Keywords: animal model
obsessive compulsive disorder
compulsive checking behavior
motor activity
behavioral sensitization
security motivation system
male rats Long-Evans
open field
large testing environment 160x160 cm
dopamine receptor agonist
chronic treatment with quinpirole (0.125 mg/kg)
serotonin receptor agonist
chronic treatment with 8OHDPAT (0.125 mg/kg)
co-injections of quinpirole and 8OHDPAT
dose-response study
repeated injections of saline vehicle
video recording
digitized track record
plot of routes of locomotion
repeated testing
repeated trials per rat 13
trials available 728
number of rats 56
Field of Research: 
Basic medicine and life sciences
Neurosciences, medical and physiological and health aspects
Neurosciences, medical and health and physiological aspects, not elsewhere classified

Biological sciences
Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects
Behavioural neuroscience of reward and motivation

Psychology and cognitive sciences
Psychology, social and behavioural aspects

Psychology and cognitive sciences
Cognitive sciences
Cognitive behaviour
Publication Date: 2021-07-06
Publisher: Federated Research Data Repository / dépôt fédéré de données de recherche
Funder: Ontario Mental Health Foundation (OMHF); Psychobiology of security motivation in an animal model of OCD; Type A Grant
Related Identifiers: 
This dataset is continued by

Geographic Coverage: 
Place Name
Health Sciences Centre, McMaster University
Province /
Province / Territory
Geographic Point: 
Appears in Collections:A Digital Library of Behavioural Performance in Standardized Conditions - Szechtman Lab Collection

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Szechtman, H., Dvorkin-Gheva, A. (2021). Project_02 Q46 StudyTitle Probing the neurochemistry of sensitization and compulsive checking: dopamine and serotonin systems. Federated Research Data Repository.