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Snowmelt water use at transpiration onset: Dataset

Description: Most studies investigate tree water use during the growing season. However, we know little about the source of transpiration during spring onset when trees rehydrate and recommence transpiration. This repository holds high-temporal resolution isotopic (δ18O and δ2H) and hydrometric measurements collected in the spring of 2018 at the Boreal Ecosystem Research and Monitoring Sites (BERMS). Sampling was conducted prior, during and after snowmelt at the Old Black Spruce site (OBS; 53. 98 °N, 105.12 °W) and the Old Jack Pine site (OJP; 53.92°N, 104.69 °W). We did this to characterize tree water use and the timing of transpiration phenological changes from the three dominant tree species – jack pine (Pinus banksiana), black spruce (Picea mariana) and larch (Larix laricina). This composite dataset contains stable isotopic composition data (δ2H and δ18O) of more than 1300 water samples of precipitation, bulk soil collected at different depths in the soil profile, xylem from jack pine, black spruce and larch, and stream from the White Gull Creek. The data set also comprises high-resolution tree hydraulic information from stem radius change and sap flow from all three species. Finally, the repository holds environmental conditions during the sampling period, including soil volumetric water content and temperature at different soil depths, snow depth, air temperature and precipitation. This data was used to understand patterns in tree water use during spring onset and provide a mechanistic understanding of tree water use dynamics by combining isotope hydrology, tree hydrodynamics and phenology.
Notes: Nehemy, M. F., Maillet, J., Perron, N., Pappas, C., Sonnentag, O., Baltzer, J. L., Laroque, C. P. and McDonnell, J. J. (2022). Snowmelt water use at transpiration onset: Phenology, isotope tracing and tree water transit time. Water Resources Research.
Authors: Nehemy, Magali F.; University of Saskatchewan; ORCID iD 0000-0002-2212-3592
Maillet, Jason; University of Winnipeg
Perron, Nia; University of Montreal; ORCID iD 0000-0002-0687-3262
Pappas, Christoforos; TÉLUQ University; University of Montreal; University of Quebec at Montreal; ORCID iD 0000-0001-5721-557X
Sonnentag, Oliver; University of Montreal
Baltzer, Jennifer; Wilfrid Laurier University; ORCID iD 0000-0001-7476-5928
Laroque, Colin P.; University of Saskatchewan; ORCID iD 0000-0002-2373-5355
McDonnell, Jeffrey J.; University of Saskatchewan; University of Birmingham; ORCID iD 0000-0002-3880-3162
Keywords: ecohydrology
tree water use
spring onset
stem rehydration
stable isotopes
stem radius change
sap flow
boreal forest
Field of Research: 
Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries
Forestry sciences
Forest dynamics (including stand dynamics)
Publication Date: 2022-07-07
Publisher: Federated Research Data Repository / dépôt fédéré de données de recherche
Funder: American Geophysical Union; Horton Research Grant
Geographic Coverage: 
Place Name
Old Black Spruce Site
Province /
Province / Territory

Place Name
Old Jack Pine site
Province /
Province / Territory
Geographic Point: 


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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Nehemy, M., Maillet, J., Perron, N., Pappas, C., Sonnentag, O., Baltzer, J., Laroque, C., McDonnell, J. (2022). Snowmelt water use at transpiration onset: Dataset. Federated Research Data Repository.