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The frequency, severity, and trends in co-occurring wildfire smoke and extreme heat events in British Columbia, 2010-2022

Description: These files provide data on the frequency, severity, and trends in co-occurring wildfire smoke (WFS) and extreme heat events (EHEs) in dissemination areas (DAs) in British Columbia between 2010-2022. The ‘DA_Total_WFS_EHE_BC_2010-2022.csv’ file provides results across the entire 13-year study period (7,553 rows - one row for each of the 7,553 DAs) and the ‘DA_Annual_WFS_EHE_BC_2010-2022.csv’ file provides results for each year of the study period (98,189 rows - one for each of the 7,553 DAs during every year of the 13-year study period). Description of the variables included in the .csv files are available in 'DataDictionary_DA_WFS_EHE_BC_2010-2022.docx.' Additional details on how the data was generated and how to use and interpret the data can be found in the associated manuscript "The Co-occurrence of Wildfire Smoke and Extreme Heat Events in British Columbia, 2010-2022: Evaluating Spatiotemporal Trends and Inequities in Exposure Burden" by Cleland et al.
Authors: Cleland, Stephanie E; Simon Fraser University; Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute; ORCID iD 0000-0003-1912-8349
Paul, Naman; British Columbia Centre for Disease Control
Coker, Eric S; British Columbia Centre for Disease Control
Henderson, Sarah B; British Columbia Centre for Disease Control
Keywords: wildfire smoke
extreme heat
compound hazards
dissemination area
british columbia
population exposure
Field of Research: 
Health sciences
Public and population health
Environmental and occupational health and safety
Publication Date: 2024-08-29
Publisher: Federated Research Data Repository / dépôt fédéré de données de recherche
Related Identifiers: 

This dataset is derived from

Geographic Coverage: 
Province /
Province / Territory
British Columbia

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Access to this dataset is subject to the following terms:
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Cleland, S., Paul, N., Coker, E., Henderson, S. (2024). The frequency, severity, and trends in co-occurring wildfire smoke and extreme heat events in British Columbia, 2010-2022. Federated Research Data Repository.