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Numerical Modelling of Milne Fiord Future

Description: This dataset contains the setup, input and output of seven three dimensional numerical simulations of Milne Fiord (Nunavut, Canada), built using MITgcm. These simulations were carried out to investigate the impact of ice structures (ice shelf, glacier tongue, tidewater glacier) on the ocean circulation in Milne Fiord, and to quantify the impact of future ocean warming on the retreat of Milne Glacier.
These simulations are variation of the baseline simulation: "Numerical Modelling of Milne Fiord 2011-2019;".
This dataset contains different simulations with the same setup, but with ice configurations and water temperature representative of the future in the fjord.
Authors: Bonneau, Jérémie; The University of British Columbia; ORCID iD 0000-0001-6023-9177
Mueller, Derek; Carleton University; ORCID iD 0000-0003-1974-319X
Laval, Bernard E; The University of British Columbia; ORCID iD 0000-0002-4810-9246
Keywords: Glacial Fjord
Ice shelf
Climate change
Numerical modeling
Tidewater glacier
Ice-ocean interactions
Field of Research: 
Earth and related environmental sciences
Cryosphere processes
Cryosphere processes, not elsewhere classified
Publication Date: 2024-11-27
Publisher: Federated Research Data Repository / dépôt fédéré de données de recherche
Funder: Killam Foundation; Doctorate scholarship; 333
The University of British Columbia; Four year doctorate fellowship; 4YF-6456
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council; Discovery Grant; 2018-04843
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council; Northern Research Supplement; 2018-517975
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council; Discovery Grant; 2011-402314; 2016-06244
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council; Northern Research Supplement; 2011-408463; 2016-06244
Polar Continental Shelf Program; PCSP in-kind support; 604-12; 626-13; 651-14; 642-15; 636-16; 647-17; 627-18; 651-19
ArcticNet; GO-Ice
ArcitcNet; ArcticNet Freshwater Resources of the Eastern Canadian Arctic
ArcticNet; ArcticNet Impacts of the Changing Global Environment at Nunavut’s Northern Frontier
The Digital Alliance of Canada; High Performance Computing Allocation; 4332-22
Canada Foundation for Innovation; Support for research instruments; 31410
The Ontario Research Foundation; Support for research instruments; 31410
Related Identifiers: 
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Geographic Coverage: 
Place Name
Milne Fiord
Province /
Province / Territory
Geographic Point: 

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Access to this dataset is subject to the following terms:
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Bonneau, J., Mueller, D., Laval, B. (2024). Numerical Modelling of Milne Fiord Future. Federated Research Data Repository.