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Foliar Functional Trait Mapping of a mixed temperate forest using imaging spectroscopy

Description: This dataset contains foliar functional trait maps, the models used to generate these maps, and the data used to build the models for a mixed temperate forest in Quebec, Canada. The dataset includes mapped trait predictions, uncertainties and relative uncertainties, model coefficients for each foliar trait, field-measured foliar traits, mean canopy reflectance per tree crown, and mean brightness-normalized canopy reflectance per tree crown.
Authors: Gravel, Alice; University of Montreal; ORCID iD 0009-0009-4151-2532
Laliberté, Etienne; University of Montreal; ORCID iD 0000-0002-3167-2622
Kalacska, Margaret; McGill University; ORCID iD 0000-0002-1676-481X
Keywords: foliar functional traits
partial least square regression
imaging spectroscopy
remote sensing
hyperspectral reflectance
trait map
Field of Research: 
Biological sciences
Ecological applications
Ecosystem function
Publication Date: 2024-08-27
Publisher: Federated Research Data Repository / dépôt fédéré de données de recherche
Funder: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council; Discovery Frontiers Grant; 5091902017
Related Identifiers: 
Geographic Coverage: 
Place Name
Station de biologie des Laurentides
Province /
Province / Territory
Geolocation Box: 
West Longitude
East Longitude
North Latitude
South Latitude
Appears in Collections:LEFO

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Access to this dataset is subject to the following terms:
Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 (CC BY-ND 4.0)
Gravel, A., Laliberté, E., Kalacska, M. (2024). Foliar Functional Trait Mapping of a mixed temperate forest using imaging spectroscopy. Federated Research Data Repository.