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Underwater Videos of Coastal Habitat Mapping in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, Canada.

Description: Videos collected as part of the Coastal Environmental Baseline Program project "Coastal Habitat Mapping of Placentia Bay" funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Datasets were collected near Burin, D’Argent Bay, Long and Ship Harbour, Marystown, Rushoon, and St. Lawrence. Videos constitute 5min of seafloor imagery collected using a DeepTrekker DTPod or a custom drop-camera system. GPS position of all videos is provided in the Groundtruth_master file.
Authors: Robert, Katleen; Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University; ORCID iD 0000-0003-0119-5359
Nemani, Shreya; Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University
Mackin-McLaughlin, Julia; Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University
Command, Rylan; Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University
Keywords: Ground-truthing seabed classification
Newfoundland and Labrador
Placentia Bay
Benthic Habitat Mapping
Coastal Underwater Benthic Imagery
Field of Research: 
Biological sciences
Ecology (except applications)
Marine ecology (including marine ichthyology)
Publication Date: 2025-01-29
Publisher: Federated Research Data Repository / dépôt fédéré de données de recherche
Funder: Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Coastal Habitat Mapping of Placentia Bay
Canada Research Chair; Canada Research Chair in Ocean Mapping
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Geographic Coverage: 
Place Name
Placentia Bay
Province /
Province / Territory
Newfoundland and Labrador
Geolocation Box: 
West Longitude
East Longitude
North Latitude
South Latitude

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Access to this dataset is subject to the following terms:
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Robert, K., Nemani, S., Mackin-McLaughlin, J., Command, R. (2025). Underwater Videos of Coastal Habitat Mapping in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, Canada.. Federated Research Data Repository.