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Data for Experiments on Constriction-Pool-Widening Channel Morphology in Bedrock Canyons

Description: Data used in experiments on constriction-pool-widening channel Morphology in Bedrock Canyons, including the morphology and flow in Black Canyon and Kelly Creek Canyon, the water and bed surface data, the morphology with and without gravel data, the cross-sectional morphology data, and erosion rate in our experiment. Bedrock canyons often exhibit a series of constriction-pool-widening morphology (CPW) that consists of a lateral constriction, a deeply scour pool formed downstream of the constriction, a channel widening at or near the pool exit. To explore how the CPWs are formed in bedrock canyons, we conducted an experiment in a flume channel with a forced lateral constriction at the canyon entrance. This dataset includes the CPWs observed in two natural bedrock canyons, Black Canyon and Kelly Creek Canyon, in British Columbia, and the CPWs formed in the flume experiments. The morphological data, water surface and bed surface data, and the erosion rate data (Excel files) can be found in the folder of Data for Figures. We presented the evolution of the three dimensional CPWs over time in the folder of Agisoft that can be viewed in the Agisoft software, and the evolution of the bed morphology with and without gravel cover over time in the folder of CloudCompare that can be viewed in the CloudCompare software. Using this dataset, our experiments show that a primary CPW can be formed by an initial lateral constriction, and more CPWs can be self-formed further downstream due to the lateral constriction formed at the downstream end of the primary CPW.
Notes: Item exited embargo and became publicly available on 2023-06-29
Authors: Kusack, Kyle; Simon Fraser University
Li, Tingan; Simon Fraser University; ORCID iD 0000-0002-6006-7712
Venditti, Jeremy; Simon Fraser University; ORCID iD 0000-0002-2876-4251
Keywords: Bedrock Canyons
River Morphology
Bedrock Erosion
Flume Experiment
Field of Research: 
Earth and related environmental sciences
Environmental geoscience
Publication Date: 2023-06-29
Publisher: Federated Research Data Repository / dépôt fédéré de données de recherche
Funder: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Geographic Coverage: 
Province /
Province / Territory
British Columbia
Geographic Point: 
Appears in Collections:SFU Research Data

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Kusack, K., Li, T., Venditti, J. (2023). Data for Experiments on Constriction-Pool-Widening Channel Morphology in Bedrock Canyons. Federated Research Data Repository.