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Real-Time Closed-Loop Feedback System For Mouse Mesoscale Cortical Signal And Movement Control: CLoPy

Description: This dataset includes raw wide-field GCaMP6s image stacks of dorsal cortical activity in mice while they are being trained in 1) A closed-loop neurofeedback task (CLNF) and 2) A closed-loop movement feedback task (CLMF). Data for CLMF experiments are accompanied by synchronized behavior recordings of the whole body of the mouse. Most experiments were performed toward the end of the mouse light cycle(5 PM - 8 PM). CLNF cortical image stacks were collected using Raspberry Pi camera v1 while CLMF cortical image stacks were recorded using a pair of front-to-front video lenses coupled to a CCD camera (Pantera Dalsa). Calcium indicators were excited with blue-light-emitting diodes (470 nm) with bandpass filters (467–499 nm). Emission fluorescence was filtered using a 510–550 nm bandpass filter. The recorded behavior scene was illuminated with infrared light. This is the data repository for titled publication "Real-Time Closed-Loop Feedback System For Mouse Mesoscale Cortical Signal And Movement Control: CLoPy".
Authors: Kumar Pankaj, Gupta; University of British Columbia; ORCID iD 0000-0001-6814-2812
Murphy, Timothy H.; University of British Columbia; ORCID iD 0000-0002-0093-4490
Keywords: real-time
movement feedback
widefield calcium imaging
mouse behavior
behavior neuroscience
cortical activity
behavior learning
Field of Research: 
Biological sciences
Neurosciences, biological and chemical aspects
Behavioural neuroscience of learning and memory
Publication Date: 2024-12-04
Publisher: Federated Research Data Repository / dépôt fédéré de données de recherche
Appears in Collections:UBC Brain Circuits

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Access to this dataset is subject to the following terms:
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Kumar Pankaj, G., Murphy, T. (2024). Real-Time Closed-Loop Feedback System For Mouse Mesoscale Cortical Signal And Movement Control: CLoPy. Federated Research Data Repository.

Version History
Version Date Summary
Version 2 2024-11-29 Added processed data to recreate figures in the paper. Associated code using this processed data is here- Also including the DeepLabCut-Live model that was used for real-time pose tracking in CLMF experiments.
Version 1 2024-11-01